The Trilogy
The Trilogy consists of collaborative online international learning (COIL), going-out (NTU students studying abroad), and coming-in (hosting international students). COIL can enrich students’ experience of learning and collaborating with international peers. The follow-up study abroad activities can provide NTU students as well as their international peers with immersive global learning experiences.
Learning beyond the classroom
‘Learning beyond the classroom’ features faculty-led credit-bearing activities during summer and winter vacations, that encourage students to step out of the classroom and into the world. These activities allow students to apply what they have learned in class to observing and exploring real-world phenomena and issues, thereby achieving deeper learning objectives.
International Study Group
International Study Group encourages students of different cultural backgrounds to deepen their learning through cross-cultural exchanges and communication. It aims to cultivate students’ competencies including communication and leadership, organizing and expression, and problem-solving skills to become well-rounded global talents.